Statistics & Records

Individual statistics and Demijohns records are presented below.

With a few exceptions, these cover all our matches since the beginning of the club. Their availability is largely thanks to Adrian Hawkes (who compiled aggregate statistics from 1958 – 1981) and John Landais (who digitised these) :

To celebrate the first twenty one years of the club, a bound summary of club statistics was prepared by AMH and typed by JPL. This comprised a list of matches played in the period 1958 to 1979 (22 years!?), various club and individual records, a selection of memorabilia, and of course the batting and bowling averages. It appears that match figures were available for all but 4 of the 126 games played.

After the 1981 season the figures were updated, and the resultant document covering the period 1958 to 1981 is the latest complete set of averages produced.

John also compiled aggregate statistics from 1982-1987, which we have combined with the 1958-1981 numbers, and with game-by-game data from 1984 onwards.